Ages 0-3

Community Meal Time

Understanding both the cultural significance and the potential for positive effect it is likely no surprise to learn that even our youngest community members can benefit from social eating, writes 0-3 Montessori diploma holder Úna Shea.

Talking with Your Baby

Sound is all around us, and plays a key role in a child’s language development; beginning even before birth, babies are able to hear and feel the vibrations of speech and auditory stimulation.

Roasting Pumpkin Seeds

A collaborative fall activity for children ages two and upwards.

Raking Leaves

Here’s a delightful way to explore some of Autumn’s gifts in a meaningful way for children; let them experience firsthand how nature provides us with tasty snacks if we take the time to investigate!

Children and the Outdoors

Where we may feel more productive, thankful, or at peace after a walk or run outside, our babies and children find irreplaceable sensory experiences to assist in their development when outside in nature.

Self-Care for Children Under 3

During the first three years of life a child takes in sensory information at an amazing rate. While both observing and absorbing their surroundings they begin to replicate the habits, interactions, and expressions of those around them.


Newborn babies do not yet have the muscle control that will become available over time. The neurons in a newly born body need a fatty protection called myelin in order to send the electrical impulses from the brain to the muscles, which enables the limbs and muscles to move.

Taking the Simple Route

Before you know it, that little baby you once had has learned to walk independently. Naturally you have had to adjust your house accordingly, by preparing the indoor environment to be a safe place for exploration and gross motor exercise.


Four thousand years ago an ancient Babylonian wrote down a cradle song sung by a mother to her child. Preserved in a small clay tablet, which fits neatly into the palm of a hand, are the words of one of the earliest lullabies on record.

Listen to the World

While listening to other’s interpretations of different natural phenomena, we, as the listeners have the opportunity to let our imaginations wander and create beautiful images in our mind of the natural world around us