Child Development

Reality Matters

Did you ever take a minute to watch how a toddler exhibits interest, and even amazement, in objects that we take for granted? From a child’s perspective, there is wonder to be found in a leaf, in a shell or in a pebble.


The concepts of reaching milestones and passing benchmarks, while gathering valuable data, can obscure our vision of a child as an individual who will unfold according to a unique pattern.

The Age of Reason

One of the most interesting parts of parenthood lies in the humor of realizing that children are always changing.

When will my child be reading?

The answer is straightforward on one hand, and yet complex on the other. After all, how can we predict when a child will take this important leap? To better understand the answer, we need to further explore the question itself.

All Eyes on Me

Children learn by watching. If we wish to cultivate responsible and respectful young people, the responsibility lies with us to provide them with examples of behaviors worth modeling, writes Una Shea.

The Sensitive Period for Language

This term, discussed by Dr. Montessori, refers to an aspect of universal human experience during the first developmental stage (birth to approximately six years) and is reflected in a child’s unique ability to absorb language and reproduce it