Aromatherapy On A Rainy Day

It’s raining today….and the world seems a little different. For one thing, the very air seems to smell a little differently, and to a young child (hardwired to take in information through the senses) this is clearly noticeable. Did you know that the fresh, soothing scent that permeates the soil and the air on a rainy day is called petrichor, and it provides us with aromatherapy of a most basic and nurturing kind.

When compounds from plant oils, accumulated in soil and rocks, are mixed into droplets of water and released into the air, a relaxing fragrance is released that generates a sense of calm and contentment. Our environment magically changes before our eyes on a rainy day. Flowers close their petals, a mist can appear to envelop us in a mysterious blanket. Natural light is also altered and objects around us can be observed from a new perspective.

Don’t miss it.

Leave your phone at home and offer yourself to the rain in completeness, with the open mind of a child that is ready to marvel at the ever changing mysteries of nature. As the saying goes, there are no bad weather days if you wear the right clothing.


Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.

April Rain Song, by Langston Hughes

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