Watch And Learn

How do we measure productivity in the world of adults? Perhaps we feel successful if we can tick off all the things on our to-do list at the end of the day? Forming that list can often be stressful in itself, since we have to decide on how best to prioritize our needs.

Children approach the day with a completely different mindset, but this does not mean that they lack the motivation to accomplish great things. On the contrary, their brains are always on the alert for new information about their environment, which they will be able to absorb without conscious effort right from the moment of birth until approximately the age of six. We are conditioned into thinking that only a rushed pace, and a hasty attitude, can enable us to feel as if we have accomplished much by the day’s end. Our children offer us the chance to temper these urges, to slow down and be fully present in the moment. They are among the best role models for those of us who aspire to lead a more mindful existence.

Think about making a shorter to-do list today. And actually appreciate the beauty of life as it unfolds around you.


The absorption of the environment is an intellectual activity. It is a psychic necessity that the child explores the environment; it satisfies his spirit. After he has had the satisfaction of observing one thing that interests him, he goes on until he is attracted by something else. In this way the child can walk for miles.

- Maria Montessori

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