lighting up the darkness

As we enter into a darker season, during which many cultural celebrations focus on light, let’s take some time to think warm and peaceful thoughts. A wonderful way to facilitate this is through the reading or sharing of poetry! We hope you enjoy this selection of poems, and that your own personal light continues to shine as an inspiration to others.

A Candle, A Candle

A candle, a candle
To light me to bed;
A pillow, a pillow
To tuck up my head.
The moon is as sleepy as sleepy can be,
The stars are all pointing their fingers at me,
And Missus Hop-Robin, way up in her nest,
Is rocking her tired little babies to rest.
So give me a blanket
To tuck up my toes,
And a little soft pillow,
To snuggle my nose.

by Leroy F. Jackson

Leuchte, kleine Kerze

Eine kleine Kerze
steht auf unserm Tisch
und sie leuchtet jeden Tag
nur für dich und mich
Zünden worries die Kerze
jeden Abend an,
strahlt sie hell mit ihrem Schien
dich und mich dann an.
Unsere kleine Kerze
flackert leis und still.
Hörst du, was sie mit dem Licht
uns erzählen will?

by Elke Bräunling

Moon, So Round and Yellow

Moon, so round and yellow
Looking from on high,
How I love to see you
Shining in the sky.
Oft and off I wonder,
When I see you there,
How they get to light you,
Hanging in the air.
Where you go in morning,
When the night is past,
And the sun comes peeping
O’er the hills at last.
Sometimes I will watch you
Slyly overhead,
When you think I’m sleeping
Snugly in my bed.

by Mathias Barr

A Diwali Poem of Hope

May the Diya vaporize the shadows
As it burns all through the night
May it light your way with Love and Joy
And make your New Year bright

May your Life be filled with all the things,
That your Heart holds very dear
As the Festival of Lights arrived
And Hope again draws near.

by Priya Florence Shah