8 fall songs to sing outdoors

Of course, you can sing any song outdoors! To help you celebrate nature during your next outdoor adventure, Phonetic Planet is happy to share some of our favorites that have been enjoyed over the years at family gatherings, school functions or weekend walks in the woods.


Come, Follow (Round, Traditional English)

Come, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow me
Whither shall I follow, follow, follow?
Whither shall I follow, follow thee?
To the greenwood, to the greenwood, to the greenwood, greenwood tree.

Leaves Are Falling All Around (Round, traditional)

Leaves are falling all around
See them falling to the ground

The Happy Wanderer (Sigismund/Möller)

Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann
Und mir steckt's auch im Blut
D'rum wand're ich froh so lang ich kann
Und schwenke meinen Hut
Faleri falera
Faleri falera ha ha ha ha ha ha
Faleri falera
Und schwenke meinen Hut

Music Alone Shall Live (Traditional German)

All things shall perish from under the sky.
Music alone shall live, music alone shall live, music alone shall live, never to die.

Autumn Time Is All Around (Sanford Jones)

Autumn leaves are turning, turning, turning
Autumn fires are burning, burning, burning
Days of in-between see the changing scene
Autumn time is all around
Summer birds are flying, flying, flying
Summer flowers are dying, dying, dying
Days of in-between see the changing scene
Autumn time is all around
Winter winds are coming, coming, coming
No more insects humming, humming, humming
Days of in-between see the changing scene
Autumn time is all around
Autumn leaves are falling, falling, falling,
Hear the barn-owl calling, calling, calling
Days of in-between see the changing scene
Autumn time is all around

The Rattling Bog (Traditional Irish)

Óró, the rattlin' bog, the bog down in the valley-o.
Óró, the rattlin' bog, the bog down in the valley-o.
Well in the bog there was a hole, a rare hole, a rattlin' hole,
The hole in the bog, and the bog down in the valley-o.
(Repeat chorus)
Well in that hole there was a tree, a rare tree, a rattlin' tree,
The tree in the hole, and the hole in the bog, and the bog down in the valley-o.
(Repeat chorus)
On that tree there was a branch, a rare branch, a rattlin' branch,
The branch on the tree, and the tree in the hole, and the hole in the bog,
And the bog down in the valley-o
(Repeat chorus) Additional verses twig, leaf, nest, egg, bird, feather etc..

Der Herbst Ist Da! (Traditional Austrian)

Der Herbst, der Herbst, der Herbst ist da
Er bringt uns Wind, hei hussassa
Schüttelt ab die Blätter
Bringt uns Regenwetter
Heia hussassa, der Herbst ist da
Der Herbst, der Herbst, der Herbst ist da
Er bringt uns Wein, hei hussassa
Nüsse auf den Teller
Birnen in den Keller
Heia hussassa, der Herbst ist da
Der Herbst, der Herbst, der Herbst ist da
Er bringt uns Spaß, hei hussassa
Rüttelt an den Zweigen
Lässt die Drachen steigen
Heia hussassa, der Herbst ist da

Let Us Sing Together (Round, traditional)

Let us sing together, let us sing together,
One and all a joyous song,
Let us sing together, one and all a joyous song.
Let us sing again and again, let us sing again and again,
Let us sing again and again, one and all a joyous song.