


taking the simple route

Before you know it, that little baby you once had has learned to walk independently. Naturally you have had to adjust your house accordingly, by preparing the indoor environment to be a safe place for exploration and gross motor exercise.


small steps

It might surprise you to know that there are several thousand species of Walking Stick insects! Some varieties are kept as family pets, and I am lucky to host a number of them in my small city apartment.



Three ways for preschoolers to develop an awareness of butterflies.



It never pays to underestimate the quieter members of our family, of our community and, by extension, of our society. Take a little journey through literature with us, and be reminded of the silent strength inherent in some of nature’s quietest creatures. These characters can provide children with powerful lessons!



It can be difficult to persuade children that insects play a valuable role in our ecosystem. Many preschoolers come to a learning environment where the positive impact of bees, ants and other tiny creatures has been avoided and many insects generate fear.